COMPETITION NOTICEIn this second edition of the competition we want to go further, broaden this theme by recognizing passion in love, not only for someone, but also for something. What moves you? What makes your heart beat or could make it beat? What is your Daimon? Where is the love? What is love?Tell us about it with a painting, drawing, photograph, poem, sculpture... whatever you want... but let it be an artistic work!The works most voted by the public and the management of our gallery will be rewarded and will be celebrated in an exhibition at our gallery from 13 to 28 February 2024Awards ceremony at the end of the exhibitionFor information write to us:lagrandebellezzavolterra@gmail.comWe would like to specify that the competition is open to all artists who feel like such and that we have decided to also admit other forms of creation beyond the purely pictorial onePaintings, collages, pencil drawings, A.I., digital graphics, fine art photography, poems, sculptures (small) etc. are permitted.
The most beautiful work will win a prestigious alabaster plaque and the title of Work of Love of the year.
The work must physically arrive at least 24 hours before the start of the exhibition and a high resolution photograph of the same with a description of the work (technique, measurements, etc.) must be sent to us within 15 days of the start of the exhibition.
The photographs requested before the exhibition will be used to launch an online approval vote and subsequently the Council of our Gallery, combining these votes with the approval rate received from visitors during the exhibition, will decide the winner on February 28th during the finissage.The survey will be placed on our website and viewable by everyone with real-time updates, it will only be possible to vote via login and the results will only be visible to voters.During the Valentine's Day period, all the works created will be exhibited in a collective exhibition in our gallery entitled: WHERE IS LOVE 2
Send an email to: lagrandebellezzavolterra@gmail.comWith subject: registration for the 'Where is Love' competition- Love in contemporary art -Attaching the participation fee payment receiptThere is little time but if you are inspired you will make it!*Registration 20 euros (contribution required for each single work sent, you can send two or more by paying the fee for each participating work)plus 20 euro membership fee (including insurance coverage necessary to exhibit)-2024 membership for all-)IBAN: IT57R0637071221000010084423payable to La Grande Bellezza ETSreason: participation fee for the 'where is love' competition + membership fee
*All participating works will be exhibited from 13 to 28 February 2023 in our Gallery in Via Ricciarelli 11 in Volterra and available for sale to the public as well as included in our online catalogue. If you want to participate without putting the work up for sale, just specify it in the registration.
The exhibition will be open to the public during the winter period from 8.00 to 16.30 from Monday to Thursday, on Fridays only in the morning from 8.00 to 13.00, on Saturdays split hours 10-13 16.30-18closed on Sunday, opening only for events.The paintings must arrive equipped with hooks for hanging.The vernissage is scheduled for February 13th at 6.00 pm with an aperitif offered by the association
The works must physically arrive within two days of the start of the exhibition while a photograph of the same with description preferably at least one week before the start of the exhibition.Registrations must be received no later than February 5, 2023.